Life Design Workbook

Are you feeling overwhelmed by how many directions you could go in...

... how many choices you need to make in a day,

... what to do with you life next,

... or feeling trapped in a spiral of scarcity and fear about the future?

I've been using a holistic life design process for nearly a decade and after 6 years of working on my own framework with clients, 1-on-1 and in small teams, I wanted to share my quickest, easiest guide to getting a handle on the overwhelm and finding direction in the mess.

I designed this workbook based on my in-depth processes which can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months to go through with clients. By distilling it down to the core concepts and necessities, I created this workbook so that it could be tackled inside of a day -- probably just an afternoon if you wanted! Because the plan you never start can't help you -- but just getting started on a plan of any kind can create the momentum for huge change.

And to be 100% honest, my "burning why"  is because I realized one day that for most of my adult life, I'd been making decisions from places of fear and scarcity.

. . . Fear of becoming homeless if my relationship fell apart.

. . . Fear of going hungry if I didn't work day and night.
. . . Fear of being judged as a failure if I didn't use my degree.

. . . Fear of being judged for being an entrepreneur.
. . . Fear of being judged for finding a job when my business failed.

So much fear that after decades of living on my own since I was 16 years old, I was exhausted, burned out, and living a life that had been designed to suit others' needs but rarely my own.

I want others to know how important it is to begin working towards our own, individual futures and our desired future selves -- not the ideals that others have for us, or that we think will make us most palatable to those around us.

I hope it helps you, too, take one determined step towards a future that YOU envision for yourself. 

When you buy the workbook, you'll receive a Google Drive link to download the PDF, which you can either fill out directly or download and write on.


✨ For a limited time (how long? who knows!) I'm offering 1-on-1 email support for 30 days following your date of purchase for an additional charge. You can choose this option at check-out; once you buy, you have 30 days to fill out your workbook and receive individualized feedback from me. ✨

I want to see you use the resources, and move forward in the direction you want. Please reach out if you have any questions to

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