Back On Track Intensives

Intensive Sessions 

How It Works

An "intensive" is a DWY ("done with you"), highly focused work session over 2 hours. It has been prefaced by a strategic questionnaire and some back-and-forth by email with you to get set to work on a key area you want to work on.

I will send you updates, questions, or requests for feedback or input as necessary. I appreciate your letting me know if you'll be out of contact for more than a 24-hour period.

I find it's best for both my workflow and clients to separate calls and intensive work on separate weekdays. This may require some adjustment so that we have more time to work together 1-on-1, and to coordinate our schedules.

The results?

You get continual feedback and make consistent progress while I'm in the background to draft and map your million ideas reach out to people who may provide support, and help you streamline while you get to focus on the things you want to be doing - whether that's working on client projects, playing with your kids, sleeping or cuddling up with a hot cup of tea.

Some key areas we could find ourselves addressing include:

  • A holistic context for yourself or your business
  • Client journeys, including on-boarding and off-boarding
  • Reconnecting with "dropped" clients or missed opportunities
  • Overall systems for managing projects between team members and streamlining communications
  • Integrating different aspects of your business and an associated non-profit

Please note that each of these areas could fill a series of intensives on their own. We will be choosing to either hone in on 1 or 2 key aspects, or work at a broader overview level to get all the pieces moving forward in a general way.

A typical session will  look something like this:

0:00 - 0:15 Check in, grounding, arriving in the call

0:15 - 0:30 Update from you on new aspects or considerations

0:30 - 0:45 Update from me and questions on your reflections from our intake emails

0:45 - 1:30 We work focused on your area of interest or a specific project

1:30 - 1:50 Questions, strategy and focus for going forward

1:50 - 2:00 Closing out

Calls may run to a maximum of 120 minutes, after which we can either book an additional call on a different day or change our scope to fit the time available better.

Additional Support

I can be reached between sessions by email, SMS or Voxer. We will agree on both a priority and backup method prior to commencing working together, e.g., email priority, and text or Voxer for emergencies. Questions or items that can't be quickly addressed through messaging or email between sessions will be deferred to the next session (or an appropriate planned session if one is coming up).

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 Pay In Full
 $ 500.00 USD

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I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Terms of Service

As a family person with a farming background, I recognize that there may be occasions on which something else needs to take priority over our work together. I trust you to use your discretion in determining a real emergency cancellation (<24 hrs notice).

Should you need to miss a live call session, the intensive will continue as planned (i.e. I’ll still be working on the scheduled day!) and you will have 1 opportunity to reschedule the call prior to the subsequent call. A call not rescheduled before the next scheduled intensive session will be forfeited. 

Be advised that missing a face-to-face meeting impedes my ability to ask particular questions or to share results with you, which may negatively impact the outcomes of our work together. If I need to miss a call for an emergency reason, I will do my utmost to provide an additional session before the next intensive, and if necessary, at any time afterwards to ensure that you receive the full amount of time under contract.

Policy on Social and Environmental Justice

As a business owner and professional consultant, I , Susan Cousineau, cannot and specifically choose not to separate myself or my work from my values. Within any of my offers, programs, trainings or other services, I have a zero tolerance for racism, sexism, or hate speech, or behaviors that explicitly or implicitly involve, condone or elevate the exploitation of marginalized communities, illegal activities, or other practices designed to inflict suffering, poverty or hardship upon others. I support Black Lives Matter and LGBTQIA+ rights without exception, and expect discussions and comments — on calls and within our communications — to reflect these values.

First and foremost, my values and goals are centered on a holistic purpose of increasing biodiversity and planetary well-being, and I actively seek to work with clients who hold similar or complementary values. In the same vein, I aim to work towards a more just and equitable world for all. As a person of Northern European ancestry and privileged upbringing, I openly acknowledge my own biases, internalized racism and homophobia and limitations in understanding. I encourage clients, if unsure about their own language, concerns, practices or other aspects of our work together, come with an inquiring mind, open to finding answers together and broadening our scope of experience rather than limiting our experiences to our comfort zones.

Please note that clients who deliberately violate the values statement or harass myself or other participants (e.g. in group courses), waive their rights to discuss refund terms and will have their services terminated without refund.

Refund Policy and Terms

In the unfortunate case that you should decide that our work is not going as you anticipated, I ask that we first schedule an ‘all cards on the table’ check-in call to assess, renegotiate if needed, and decide next steps. Please note that you are signing this contract in full awareness that I am in the process of developing new frameworks and client processes, and as such, am offering these services at a reduced rate to their market value. I anticipate a few ‘hiccups’ along the way, and deeply appreciate your genuine, open and direct feedback along the way as to what does, and more importantly, what doesn’t, work for you, so that I can continually work to provide you with the best outcomes possible.

If you determine that you would like to terminate, the following policy applies:

  • I will refund all monies paid in the currency (typically USD) in which they were paid, up to a maximum of the sum dollar value ($400 USD each) of all intensive sessions not yet used.
  • Request for termination must be made a minimum of 7 days before the next scheduled session in order to include that session in the refunded total. If termination is requested less than 7 days in advance, the value of that session ($400 USD) will not be refunded.  
Privacy Policy

As a consultant, I keep details regarding your property, business, life, livelihood and other aspects strictly confidential, including, if relevant, third-party details including clients, family,  and business partners. If there is for any reason a need to share publicly available details, e.g. APN, property size, names of owners, etc., I will obtain written consent as to these particulars and specific to the circumstances. Banking information, social security numbers, medical information, contact information (including but not limited to cell/phone numbers, email, and personal mailing addresses) and other personal data will under no circumstances be shared outside of the limits of our communications and shared documents. 

The material shared with you as any workbooks, support materials, video, audio or otherwise is provided with my full and honest desire to provide you with the benefit of my own learning and training. These are proprietary materials and not to be shared beyond the boundaries of our consultancy with other individuals or businesses outside of those employees and partners currently within your own business entity.

“Mutual Delight” Agreement

My goal is that you are not just happy but delighted with the outcomes of our working together. In order to achieve that, and to best meet your needs, I ask that you commit to being fully engaged in the process from start to finish. I also ask that you challenge yourself, if and whereas necessary, to ask questions, be forthcoming when and if you feel uncomfortable at any point with our work, and feel empowered to bring your own insights and experiences to our conversations, whether live or through writing.

By submitting your payment, you agree:
  • To show up for scheduled calls, and if not possible, to provide at least 24 hours notice to reschedule
  • To complete task work in advance of our scheduled calls, with a minimum of 24 hours for me to review before we start
  • To ask questions when you are unsure, whether about a task, a process, a next step, or anything else. 
  • To provide as much information as you are able, and to be open, honest, and fair in your dealings and communication with me (and expect the same)
  • To show up for this work even when things get uncomfortable, when there are challenges, or when it’s inconvenient, and whether roadblocks are emotional, practical, financial or relational.
In a nutshell - I expect that we treat each other with respect, honesty and forthrightness; engage with curiosity and openness; and respect each others’ time and commitments by providing sufficient notice when circumstances require. 


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